Search Results: "Reliability"
- Turkish Adaptation of the Blood Donation Fears Inventory: A Study on Validity and Reliability
- The Social Identity Scale: A Validity and Reliability Study
- Adapting the User-Friendly Social Capital Scale in Volunteering into Turkish
- Social-Cognitive Factors of Individual Earthquake Preparedness Behavior: A Scale Adaptation and Correlational Survey Research
- Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Inner Peace Scale (IPS) to the Turkish Language
- Investigation of Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Version of the Transcultural Community Resilience Scale
- Adaptation of Moral Injury Scale Into Turkish Culture
- Adaptation of the Short Attitudes Toward Refugees Scale into Turkish and Investigation of its Psychometric Properties
- The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Volunteer Blood Donors’ Wellbeing: Social Connectedness and Belongingness as Multiple Mediators
- Development of the Moral Disengagement from Refugees Scale: A Psychometric Analysis
- Notes for Authors
- Notes For Reviewers