Arama Sonuçları: "qualitative research"
- Earthquake Survivors’ Motivations for Coping with Their Problems: A Phenomenological Investigation
- Leadership and Volunteerism in Youth: In Impact Analyses in Turkish Red Crescent
- Social-Cognitive Factors of Individual Earthquake Preparedness Behavior: A Scale Adaptation and Correlational Survey Research
- Advancing Emergency Operations in Sri Lanka through the Triple Nexus Framework
- Syrian Students in Turkish Universities: Turkish Students’ Views and Challenges
- Effects of Macroeconomic Resilience and State Fragility on the Death Toll from Natural Disasters
- The Impact of Natural Disasters on Food Security in Türkiye
- The Effect of the Logotherapy-Based Group Psychological Counseling Program on Widowed Syrian Refugee Women’s Well-Being
- Mental Well-Being of Volunteer Rescue Workers After a Terrorist Attack: A Longitudinal Survey Study
- The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Volunteer Blood Donors’ Wellbeing: Social Connectedness and Belongingness as Multiple Mediators
- “Psychological intervention for populations under ongoing threat” presented at the IFRC Research Carnival
- The Feelings and Thoughts of University Students in Türkiye Regarding the Events in Gaza